P-06-1295 Hold a public poll on the reduction of the default speed limit BEFORE it comes in to force, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 22.09.22


I still do not agree with the findings.  I understand the need to cut speed around schools and extreme built up areas but it being the defacto default is not appropriate. I stand by my comment of it being theory and hearsay. Similarly to the 'findings' on the 50mph reduction on motorways. In theory driving at 50mph will reduce emissions but when the M4 is constantly congested no matter what time of day it is, these findings are useless.


All of this being said, you hit the nail on the head, it is a massive change and therefore MUJST be put to the public for a formal vote and not decided by less than 100 people in CARDIFF! you mention your 'test' areas, yet several of them have already reverted as it is not working and is causing too many issues. You also mention that you want 45% of all journeys to be made by foot, bike or bus, yet most of Wales is rural and does not have the public transport links to accomodate this. I for one will NEVER commute to work on a bike or by foot as it is way too far away, it would increase my commute time by over double. Public transport is not viable for me either as I am not on a bus route or near a train station without driving there.


Please discuss this in your meetings, however the Welsh population HAS THE RIGHT TO DECIDE THIS NOT YOU AS ITS US THAT ELECT YOU! You work for the people not the other way around!


